National Blood Donor Month

Campaign Toolkit

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What is it?

  • January is National Blood Donor Month (NBDM). Extreme winter weather and seasonal illnesses often make it difficult for blood banks to maintain a sufficient blood supply at this time of year. By celebrating NBDM, we aim to inspire people to donate blood. When one person donates blood or participates in NBDM they can encourage others to donate, which has the potential to create an exponential increase in the availability of life-saving donor blood when and where its needed most.

  • National Blood Donor Month encourages patients, survivors, medical professionals and public health advocates to spread the word about blood donation, the need for blood for placenta accreta and obstetric patients, and to thank those who help save their lives.

  • Use these campaign materials to celebrate National Blood Donor Month with your family and friends, your hospital, local blood center and within your community. Download the social media toolkit full of images below and post them to your social media accounts with a call to action. Don’t stop there - check out other things you can do to spread the word about blood donation.

Blood Donor Month Calls to Action & Hashtags.png

Key Messages

  • One of the biggest uses of donated blood is for mothers during childbirth.

  • As many as 90% of patients with placenta accreta require blood transfusion, and 40% require more than 10 units of packed red blood cells.

  • Postpartum hemorrhage causes approximately 11% of maternal deaths in the United States and is the leading cause of death that occurs on the day of birth.

  • Rates of obstetric blood product transfusion increased 400% between 1993 - 2014 in the United States.


Pledge To Give Blood

Consider pledging to give blood during the month to help ensure the next accreta mom has access to the blood products that may be needed for her care. Help us reach our goal of 50 pledges in the month of January!


Social Media Toolkit

Our social media toolkit includes pre-made sample NBDM social media posts that are ready to upload to your Facebook account. We’ve also added a new red colored Accreta Awareness Facebook profile photo frame in honor of NBDM. Be sure to tag National Accreta Foundation on your posts and use our campaign hashtags: #NBDM, Be an #AccretaHero & #GiveBlood

National Blood Donor Awareness Month Images.png

Blood Drive Awareness Kit

Get involved locally and host a blood drive. Check out our page on blood donation to learn more about how to host a blood drive and download our toolkit for hosting one. Once it’s scheduled, share your blood drive with us so we can help spread the word. You can also download “Strong as a Mother” cards and check out other materials from our gear center for your blood drive.


Donate & Fundraise for National Accreta Foundation

Another way to help the cause is to raise funds for National Accreta Foundation to continue our efforts to increase the supply of blood products. Host a fundraiser in honor of National Blood Donor Month to help bring attention to the impact of blood donation on maternal health.


Accreta Awareness GEAR

Donate in our gear center and receive a shirt, water bottle or tote bag. Take a selfie wearing your gear when giving blood and tell the world how you’re #AccretaStrong. We are offering a large variety of styles and sizes, so snag yours today!

Unisex Accreta Strong Shirt Unisex Accreta Strong Shirt Unisex Accreta Strong Shirt Unisex Accreta Strong Shirt Unisex Accreta Strong Shirt Unisex Accreta Strong Shirt Unisex Accreta Strong Shirt
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Strong Like Mom Onesie Strong Like Mom Onesie Strong Like Mom Onesie Strong Like Mom Onesie Strong Like Mom Onesie
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Toddler/Kids Strong Like Mom Shirt Toddler/Kids Strong Like Mom Shirt Toddler/Kids Strong Like Mom Shirt Toddler/Kids Strong Like Mom Shirt Toddler/Kids Strong Like Mom Shirt
Quick View

THANK YOU for your help to make this the best National Blood Donor month ever.

We couldn’t do it without you


National Accreta Foundation is an entirely volunteer staffed and donation funded 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to placenta accreta advocacy. If you find our content of value, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to help us continue this work.