Accreta Memorial:

Hayley Roberts

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Accreta Memorial: Hayley Roberts

In Memory of an Accreta Mom, Written by Hayley’s mother Jackie George

Hayley Ann Roberts was the next to youngest of my four daughters. She was 34 years old when on March 3, 2020 she passed away whilst being delivered of a beautiful baby girl called Ivy Rose weighing 3lbs 4ozs, who is doing extremely well. She also leaves behind a husband David and two other children, Lilly age 8 and Oliver age 5.


Hayley started her accreta journey early in November 2019 when at 17 weeks gestation she was told she had placenta increta, possibly percreta. She was given the option to terminate her pregnancy but wished to carry on. Two weeks later, she had an MRI which showed placenta previa major and placenta percreta and a very large abnormal vessel. A month later another MRI was carried out which showed extensive placenta percreta and an extensive network of varicosities around the birth canal and lower uterine wall, some of which were quite large, and the placenta had invaded into the bladder.

Hayley was referred to and subsequently transferred to another hospital other than the one she was attending as they said they were more familiar with this condition. She was under their care for a few days when she was seen by a cardiologist who said she was also suffering from high output cardiac failure due to the abnormal placental circulation. A small window of improved maternal condition led them to decide to deliver Hayley. During surgery a massive hemorrhage occurred which was not able to be controlled. Hayley had over 72 units of red cells and other blood products but to no avail.

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I was allowed into theatre when it was evident that Hayley was going to pass away. It will remain the most heart breaking and traumatic thing I have ever experienced in my life. I had little Ivy brought back into theatre so they could be together for a little time.

Please considering donating to the family’s Go Fund Me page:

If you would like to support Hayley’s family and memory, please visit their Go Fund Me page.


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