PAS Supportive care survey


National Accreta Foundation has an opportunity for placenta accreta spectrum survivors to participate in this patient experience survey. If you’d like to be invited to future opportunities like this, please add your accreta story to our storybank.

who is hosting this survey?

This study is being done by a team of international researchers who have a special interest in caring for women with placenta accreta spectrum. The study is being led by Dr. Helena Bartels and Prof Donal Brennan, who are based at the National Maternity Hospital in Dublin, Ireland. Researchers are working in close collaboration with two patient advocacy groups: National Accreta Foundation and Placenta Accreta Ireland.

what is the intention?

The purpose of this survey is to explore the experiences of women who had a pregnancy complicated by Placenta Accreta Spectrum. Specifically, we want to find out if women were offered support during and after the pregnancy such as mental health counselling, physiotherapy/physical therapist and postnatal/postpartum follow up. We are hoping to identify supports that people impacted by PAS found helpful or would have liked to have during and after their pregnancy. We hope to use this information to improve the care and experience for women diagnosed with placenta accreta in the future. 


National Accreta Foundation is proud to provide opportunities to the worldwide patient community to advance placenta accreta research. If you have previously had a pregnancy affected by placenta accreta, please access the survey via the button below. Thank you for sharing your experience to help future moms.


This survey is for women who have already delivered. If you are currently pregnant and have not delivered yet, please join our pregnancy placenta accreta academic study opportunity.


HOW CAN I get involved in more initiatives like this?

National Accreta Foundation receives requests by media, researchers and health care quality improvement organizations for patient stories, speakers, and representation. If you’d like to be notified for future calls like this, please add your story to our story bank.


National Accreta Foundation is a volunteer staffed and donation funded 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to placenta accreta advocacy. If you find our content of value, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to help us continue this work.